----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V A G R A Y 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first skin for Winamp. To use this skin, simply copy the vagray.zip file to the SKINS folder inside your WINAMP folder. Run Winamp, press ALT-S and choose VAgray. It should work. This skin has been made 100% in MS Paint (known as Paintbrush). Textures are rendered in 3D studio. Small aesthetic bug in font files were fixed. This is a first configurable skin at all. If you want to change skin properties, at first you have to unzip vagray.zip file. Then copy file with number to a file without number (eg. cbutton2.bmp to cbuttons.bmp, numbers3.bmp to numbers.bmp, posbar4.bmp to posbar.bmp, shufrep2.bmp to shufrep.bmp or volume2.bmp to volume.bmp). Note that each file with "1" at the end is the default part recommended by me. You can change: Buttons type: CBUTTON1.BMP = Gray, glass, buttons (default) CBUTTON2.BMP = Black, polite buttons CBUTTON3.BMP = Blue, plastic buttons CBUTTON4.BMP = Metal, polite buttons CBUTTON5.BMP = Dark colored buttons like CBUTTONS2 CBUTTON6.BMP = Gray, glass, outside colored buttons CBUTTON7.BMP = Colorful, glass-plastic buttons Digits type: NUMBERS1.BMP = Yellow digits (default) NUMBERS2.BMP = Green digits NUMBERS3.BMP = Red digits NUMBERS4.BMP = Light blue digits Position bar type: POSBAR1.BMP = Lightblue posbar (default) POSBAR2.BMP = Yellow-red posbar POSBAR3.BMP = Yellow-red (dark) posbar POSBAR4.BMP = Lightcyan posbar POSBAR5.BMP = Yellow-red (more red) posbar Shuffle and repeat buttons: SHUFREP1.BMP = Gray pushable buttons with green light (default) SHUFREP2.BMP = Dark buttons Volume bars: VOLUME1.BMP = Two lighting bars (default) VOLUME2.BMP = One lighting bar For any remarks, comments, questions or anything else about this skin, please send e-mail to: > vlada@email.cz. If you like it, please write me about it and visit my homepage at: > http://cs.felk.cvut.cz/~adamovv/ Thank you for downloading. Enjoy it! Vladimir Adamovsky vlada@email.cz